The Beginner’s Guide to Becoming an Avon Representative
Have you been thinking of starting your own business? Do you want to control when and where you work? Do you want to be your own boss? I will show you how you can do that by becoming an Independent Avon representative.
Step 1
Click here to join my team
Step 2
Choose your kit: 3 kits to choose from starting at $25
Step 3
Go to and login with your new Representative ID and password and go to the Web Office tab and then Social Media Center. Begin sharing posts immediately on your social media sites.
Step 4
When you recieve your kit in the mail, make sure you put your estore on the catalogs and share them with friends and family.
If you completed all these steps, then welcome to my team! Here is a picture of where I work my Avon business. Have fun creating your own cozy work space!
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